Daily Life Information
We really often use hanko(stamp/seal) in various situations in Japan.
For example, when the opening of the bank account and renting a room, etc.
We you can buy simple hanko(stamp/seal) at a online shops such as Amazon, etc, and you can also buy handmade hanko (stamp/seal) from the old-fashioned hanko(stamp/seal) stops.
Once you have made your hanko(stamp/seal), make sure to keep in a safe place because it is used as signature.
You can make your hanko(stamp/seal) about 1000 yen at least.
About 2300 years ago, hanko(stamp) was brought from China.
It is firmly rooted in our morden daily life, which is very interesting, isn’t it?
Resident registration
Students with a visa of more than 3 months of a period of stay and long-term students must register as a resident at the ward office or city office of the city where they live within 14 days after entering into Japan.
Health insurance
Same as registration of residence, health insurance procedure has to be done at the ward office or city office of the city where you live in Japan.
Make sure to do so on the same day of the registration of residence at the ward office.
In Japan, foreigners are listed in the Basic Resident Register and all of those who do not have the company’s health insurance as well as those who stay for more than 3 months must sign up for the National Health Insurance.
Make sure to submit a “Simplified Tax Return” to declare your income statement for the previous year when you apply for membership.
What you need to register of health insurance are as follow
Residence card, prescribed form
Only for those whose status of residence is “specified activities”. The prescribed form is attached to the passport
International Student Insurance
Long-term students of our school are automatically signed up for an “International Student Insurance” of the Japanese Language School Cooperative Association, which is approved by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
The National Health Insurance covers 70% of the medical expenses you paid at the hospital, and need to pay 30% only.
If you submit the receipt of your payment (30% of the medical expence) to the school and apply for “International Student Insurance”, your payment (30% of the medical expence) will be refunded.
In other words, the burden of medical expenses will cost you zero when you use an “International Student Insurance”, .
In addition to this, only International Student Insurance applies for many situations of your studying aborad life such as;
– when you injured the other person while riding a bicycle,
– when your parents/guardians fly from your hometown when you got an serious injury, etc.
Make sure to be aware of that International Student Insurance can not cover for dental treatment, mental illness treatment, osteopathy clinic, pregnancy/childbirth, the fights, etc.
Open a bank account
If your period of stay is 3 months or more, you can open a Japan Post Bank account at the post office.
Other bank accounts can only be opened 6 months after entering into Japan.
Items required to open an account
①Residence card ②Passport ③Student ID (certificate of enrollment) ④Certificale of Residence ⑤Hanko(stamp/seal) ⑥Japanese mobile phone number ⑦Japanese address
Where to live
The rules for renting a room in Japan are very complicated because there are many differences from those in foreign countries.
Therefore, living in a dormitory is the best recommendation.
When searching for a room at a partner real estate agency
In addition to the dormitories run by the school, we have affiliated real estate companies, and they introduce you to acoomodations that suit your needs.
The real estate will basically introduce you to a furnished room.
Before you move in, you need to be sure to pay the commition fee and rent for 3 months.
From the 4th month, please pay the rent directly to the real-estate company.
You can buy your own futon mats and/or mattresses if you desire so.
You can apply from 2 months before the move-in date.
If you are looking for an accomodation by yourself
First of all, when you make a rental contract, you may be required to pay a deposit, a gratuity fee, and a contract fee in addition to the rent. Especially, the gratuity fee is a comlicated system for foreigners.
Gratuity fee means literally thank-you money to pay to the landlord first.
Also, the deposit is a little different from itself overseas since the cost will be deducted from the deposit such in case of; you pollute the room and replace the tatami mats,
you get an equipment in your room repaied, and you ask a specialist to clean your room.
Also, in Japan, you will realize few rooms are fully furnished and only the air conditioner is installed. In any case, consult well with a real estate agency to find it out. The rent market around the school is about 70,000 to 80,000 yen for a room (with bathroom and kitchen).
Public utilities charge
You need to contact to apply for each company of Electricity, Gas, Water and sewage.
Make sure to check what you need to apply for with the real estate company or landlord.
Payment of the invoice will be sent to you monthly. You can pay the bill at a convenience store.
Most of the properties introduced by our affiliated real estate companies include utilities and communication costs in the rent.
How to throw away Burnable trash・Recycable trash
Japan has strict rules for taking out garbage. Depending on the area where you live, you may not be able to use anything other than the designated garbage bag.
First of all, when renting, ask the landlord / real estate company how to put out the garbage.
There are also rules in the dormitory, so be sure to follow them.
How to throw away Burnable trash・Recycable trash (Japanese・English・Chinese・Korean・Bengali)
Cell phone contract
Foreigners with residence cards can subscribe mobile phones of major telecommunications carriers, cheap SIMs, and cheap smartphones.
NTT docomo Au, and SoftBank, are the three major telecommunications carriers in Japan.
Each of the company offers various services, and you make sure to confirm details in advance before making a contract.
Communication charges range from about 1,000 yen to over 10,000 yen monthly. Choose the one that suits you.
The voltage
The voltage in Japan is very low, 100V. A step-up transformer is required to use overseas electrical appliances in Japan.
Not all appliances can be used, and please reserch carefully if you have any appliances to bring to Japan.
Most appliances are also sold in Japan.
Japanese plugs
Japanese plugs are generally called A type. Two elongated cuts are lined up vertically.
The frequency is 50 Hertz, 100V in Tokyo. (The image is provisional)

Transportation facilities
Tokyo has more than 700 train and subway stations, and 85 railway lines. It is a very dense railway area.
In addition to this, there are 131 system Toei buses running in Tokyo.
Therefore, many citizens of Tokyo use public transportations to commute to school or work.
Transportation IC card
To use public transportations, a transportation card is required. Certainly you can buy tickets, but we would like to recommend to buy a transportation card in order to save time.
Transportation card can be bought at the stations. In Tokyo, JR is used a card called [Suica] and subway is used a card called [PASMO].
All of the public transportation in Tokyo is available on both Suica and PASMO.
Even if you lose the transportation card, you can reissue the card if you register your name, date of birth and contact number when you buy it. For further information, ask the station staff after your arrival in Japan.
There are also Mobile Suica and Mobile PASMO that can be used with smartphone application.

Accidents and Disasters
Preparing for emergencies
Japan is a country with many natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons which should be particularly paid an attention to.
Our school conducts Emergency drills for such disasters once a year in December.
It is a full-scale experience such as an earthquake simulation vehicle and fire extinguishing training that you can not usually experience them.
All of the students will participate to get their awareness of prevention for disasters.
If an earthquake occours
We do not know when an earthquake will occur.
Therefore, let’s install an application that delivers early warnings of earthquake and other disasters on the mobile phones.
It is also vital to prepare for a power outage. Make sure you have a flashlight ready and a mobile battery charged.
In addition, it is safe to prepare a carry-out bag for emergencies in advance and put food, medicine, rain gear, clothes, knife, work gloves, coins, plastic bag, etc in the bag.
Since there are many earthquakes in Japan, there are many evacuation supplies such as no-need-water shampoo.
It is a good idea to take a look at it when you come to Japan.
When a typhoon comes
Between July and October is a time when many typhoons come to Japan.
Let’s install the application that delivers the breaking news on the mobile phone.
Supplies to prepare
It is important to prepare for a power outage.
Make sure you have a flashlight ready and a mobile battery charged.
In addition, it is safe to prepare a carry-out bag for emergencies in advance and put food, medicine, rain gear, clothes, knife, work gloves, coins, plastic bag etc in the bag.
In an emergency
If there is an incident or accident, be sure to call the police.110 is the police phone number.
If there is a fire, obvious sudden illnes or serious injury, make sure to call 119 which is fire department and ambulance phone number.
If you do not know what to do, whether to go to hospital or call an ambulance, then call the number 7119.
You will be connected to the Tokyo Fire Department Emergency Consultation Center. They will tell you what to do.
When you call, make sure to tell clearly your name, where you are now, and what happened.
If you have difficulty speaking in Japanese, ask a nearby Japanese person for help.
Memorable massive earthquakes in Japan
We, as global citizen, have important days to remember in every country all over the world.
On 11th March 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred, and Tokyo, where our school was located, also suffered severely damage.
On 17th January 1995, the Great Hanshin Earthquake hit Kansai, and the Great Kanto Earthquake happened on 1st September, 1923.
These three days are designated as disaster prevention days, and disaster prevention drills are held to promote the prevention and awareness of disasters in many ares in Japan.
As soon as you arrived in Japan, make sure to check the evacuation exits and routes in case of an emergency. Let’s reconfirm emergency supplies on the disaster prevention day.
Signs to be aware
Make sure to be aware of these three signs.

It’s an emergency exit. It describes to escape to the outside of the building in an emergency.

It’s a sign of the evacuation area. It shows the large areas to save the evacuees from major earthquakes, fire spreads and other dangers.

It’s a shelter sign. There will temporarily accept people who have collapsed houses/buildings or have nowhere to go due to disasters such as an earthquake.
They also provide information on disasters and supplies to those affected by the disaster.
After your arrival in Japan, it is a good idea to check the evacuation areas and shelters near the place where you live.
Kamiyabori Park (as of 2019) is our emergency evacuation site.
Our school also has an agreement with the local police as a shelter in the event of a flood in the surrounding area.
Useful Information
Tokyo Multilingual Consultation Navigator
Tokyo metropolitan foundation for connection creation
They will advise you which administrative office to consult.
Phone: 03-6258-1227 (Monday-Friday 10: 00-16: 00)
Tokyo English Life Line

Tokyo English Life Line(TELL)
- Trouble consultation
- Medical consultation on the phone
TEL:03-5774-0992(every day from 9:00 to 23:00)
Tokyo Medical Institution / Pharmacy
Information Service Himawari
- Hospital introduction
- Medical consultation in a foreign language
Display:Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean
Tokyo Health and Medical Information Center
Tokyo Health and Medical Information Center
- Foreigners’ medical consultation
Address: 〒160-8484 2-44-1 Kabukicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Tokyo Health Plaza 4th floor
①Consultation on doctors, welfare, insurance system, etc. that are available for foreigers.
TEL:03-5285-8181(every day from 9:00 to 20:00)
Supported languages: English, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Spanish
②Emergency hospital information
TEL:03-5285-8185(Weekdays 17: 00-20: 00 Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays 9: 00-20: 00)
Supported languages: English / Chinese, Korean, Thai, Spanish
Display: Japanese
Part-time job
Before starting a part-time job
When an international student does part-time job, “the permission for activities other than qualifications” is required.
Working hours are set at 28 hours per week. (During the long holidays set by the school, it will be within for 8 hours a day, for 40 hours per week)
If the student worked exceeded hours from the limitation, they are not allowed to renew their status of residence, and will be fined and deported.
If you desire to do part-time job, make sure to comply the rules and do it properly.
If your Japanese improve, you will be able to apply a wider range of par-time jobs.
Can the student covers the living expenses with a part-time job?
No. It is impossible for study abroad by relying on income from part-time job.
From experiences of part-time jobs, students can get many beneficiary such as spreading insights into society,etc; but their study should be priority.
Before studying abroad, make sure to set a certain finiancial plan.
About part-time job
Prohibition of part-time job for international students are sex-related sales, Mahjong game, pachinko shops.
International students are prohibited to do a part-time job as cleaning staff and cafe staff at Leisure Hotels (Love Hotels).
If you have any concerns about part-time job, make sure to consult the school staff .
How to find a part-time job?
We, JCLI provides part-time job information at the school.
There are many other ways to find part-time jobs.
At stations and convenience stores, you can get a lot of free magazines and papers, ask friends who are currently working, and search on free apps and websites via smart phone and PC.
In addition, here is two public services that will introduce you to a part-time job as below.
Consultation and introduction of part-time job/Consultation regarding status of residence
Shinjuku Foreigner Employment Support and Guidance Center
Address: Hello Work Shinjuku (Kabukicho Government Building) 1st floor, 2-42-10 Kabukicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8489
TEL: 03-3204-8609 (Weekdays 8: 30-17: 15)
Display :Japanese, English, Chinese
Foreign labor consultation/Consultation regarding part-time jobs for international students, etc.

Tokyo Labor Consultation Information Center
Address: 3-10-3 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Tokyo Shigoto Center 9th floor
Supported languages:
English:Monday~Friday 14:00~16:00
Chinese:Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday 14:00~16:00
Display :Japanese, English, Chinese